Campus Improvement Plan 2021-2022
Cornerstone Academy
- Mission Statement, Vision, Core Values
- Comprehensive Needs Assessment
- Goal 1: Student Achievement
- Goal 2: Student Support
- Goal 3: Safe Schools
- Goal 4: Fiscal Responsibility
- Campus Funding Summary
Mission Statement, Vision, Core Values
Spring Branch Independent School District
Cornerstone Academy
2021-2022Â Campus Improvement Plan
Mission Statement
In SBISD, our promise to our entire community is to inspire minds and shape lives by: improving academic performance of all students, graduating all high school students, and preparing all students with the qualifications and skills necessary to enter college or post- secondary training and exit successfully
Cornerstone Academy strives to be a dynamic, strategically-designed learning community that is empowered by diversity, a commitment to excellence and a distinctive approach to the learning process.
Core Values
Every Child
We put students at the heart of everything we do.
Collective Greatness
We, as a community, leverage our individual strengths to reach challenging goals.
Collaborative Spirit
We believe in each other and find joy in our work.
Limitless Curiosity
We never stop learning and growing.
Moral Compass
We are guided by strong character, ethics and integrity
Core Characteristics of a T-2-4 Ready Graduate
Academically Prepared: Every Child finds joy in learning, has a learner's mindset and is motivated and equipped with the knowledge, skills and competencies to succeed in life.
Ethical & Service-Minded: Every Child acts with integrity, is personally responsible for their actions and is a civically-engaged community member.
Empathetic & Self-Aware: Every Child appreciates differences, forms secure relationships and cares for their own and others’ emotional, mental and physical health.
Persistent & Adaptable: Every Child is fueled by their own passions, interests and goals and perseveres with confidence and courage.
Resourceful Problem-Solver: Every Child thinks critically and creatively and applies knowledge to find and solve problems.
Communicator & Collaborator: Every Child skillfully conveys thoughts, ideas, knowledge and information and is a receptive and responsive listener.
Comprehensive Needs Assessment
Comprehensive Needs Assessment
Demographics Summary
In the 2019-2020 school year, Cornerstone served a population of 373 students. In that group, there were 133 6th graders, 122 7th graders and 118 8th graders. By gender, we have 211 female students and 162 male students. Based on ethnicity, our student population is approximately 47% white, 37% Hispanic, 10% Asian, .01% African American and 4% multiple ethnicities. Roughly 4% of our students are English language learners and .01% qualify for special education. Our yearly attendance rate was 98%. 14% of our students qualify for free or reduced-price lunch.
Demographic Strengths
Through the lottery system, Cornerstone does pull students from across the district, which does create some diversity in our student population.
Problem Statements Identifying Demographics Needs
Problem Statement 1: Our campus serves the entire district, but our population demographics do not mirror (or come close to mirroring) the district as a whole.
Root Cause: In the recent past, our marketing efforts may not have been as robust and inclusive as possible.
Data Documentation
Comprehensive Needs Assessment Data Documentation
The following data were used to verify the comprehensive needs assessment analysis:
Improvement Planning Data
- Campus goals
- Campus and/or district planning and decision-making committee(s) meeting data
Accountability Data
- Texas Academic Performance Report (TAPR) data Domain 1 - Student Achievement
- Effective Schools Framework data
Student Data: Assessments
- State and federally required assessment information (e.g. curriculum, eligibility, format, standards, accommodations, TEA information)
- (STAAR) current and longitudinal results, including all versions
- STAAR End-of-Course current and longitudinal results, including all versions
- Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS) and TELPAS Alternate results
- Student Success Initiative (SSI) data for Grades 5 and 8
- Student failure and/or retention rates
Student Data: Student Groups
- Race and ethnicity data, including number of students, academic achievement, discipline, attendance, and progress
- Special programs data, including number of students, academic achievement, discipline, attendance, and progress
- Economically Disadvantaged / Non-economically disadvantaged performance, progress, and participation data
Student Data: Behavior and Other Indicators
- Attendance data
- Student surveys and/or other feedback
Employee Data
- Professional learning communities (PLC) data
- Staff surveys and/or other feedback
- State certified and high-quality staff data
- Campus leadership data
- T-PESS data
Parent/Community Data
- Parent surveys and/or other feedback
Goal 1: Student Achievement
Student Achievement
- Performance Objective 1 - Achievement
- Performance Objective 2 - Gap-Closing
- Performance Objective 3 - Student Growth
- Performance Objective 4 - Advanced Courses
Performance Objective 1 - Achievement
Goal 1: STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT. Every student at Cornerstone Academy will master rigorous academic standards to ensure college and career readiness.
Performance Objective 1: ACHIEVEMENT (draft): By June 2022, Cornerstone Academy will increase student performance on STAAR Grades 6-8 exams in reading and math by maintaining at least current percentage at the approaches level and increasing by at least 10 points at the meets and masters levels.
2020-21: Reading: 95% (approaches or higher), 68% (meets or higher), 41% (masters); Math: 99% (approaches or higher), 84% (meets or higher), 48% (masters)
2019-20: Not Rated due to COVID
2018-19: Reading: 96% (approaches or higher), 79% (meets or higher), 54% (masters); Math: 99% (approaches or higher), 90% (meets or higher), 54% (masters)
2017-18: Reading: 99% (approaches or higher), 81% (meets or higher), 56% (masters); Math: 99% (approaches or higher), 90% (meets), 55% (masters)
Evaluation Data Sources: STAAR 3-8 Reports
Summative Evaluation: None
Strategy 1: We will continue to support a PLC culture on our campus. A.) Review and revise essentials B.) Expectation of common formative assessments for each course C.) Expectation of data transparency, analysis, and data-informed action (intervention/extension) D.) Half-day subs provided to allow additional time for planning E.) Continued support and professional development via Solution Tree in the form of a mid-year visit from Solution Tree associate and varied book/article studies within collaborative team meetings Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Increased teacher efficacy; a guaranteed and viable curriculum regardless of teacher; greater emphasis on systematic data analysis Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Director, Assistant Director, MCL, Instructional Specialist ESF Levers: Lever 4: High-Quality Curriculum, Lever 5: Effective Instruction Funding Sources: Solution Tree professional development & resources - 199 PIC 11 - Instructional Services - $40,680, - 282 ARP21 (ESSER III Campus Allocations) - $10,000 |
Strategy 2: We will continue establishing a more systematic approach to intervention and a collaborative RtI process on campus to ensure that every child is being effectively served. A.) Prior to the start of the year, staff will be trained on the RTI inverted pyramid. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Increased student growth and achievement as determined by MAP, STAAR and PSAT scores |
Performance Objective 2 - Gap-Closing
Goal 1: STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT. Every student at Cornerstone Academy will master rigorous academic standards to ensure college and career readiness.
Performance Objective 2: GAP-CLOSING: By June 2022, Cornerstone Academy will increase overall performance on STAAR Grades 6-8 exams to narrow the gap or improve performance above the target by at least 10% between EL students and non EL students while all performance improves.
2020-21: English Learners 44%; non-English Learners 73%
2019-20: Not Rated due to COVID
Evaluation Data Sources: STAAR Reports and State Accountability Reports
Summative Evaluation: None
Strategy 1: Professional development opportunities will be provided to address areas that data indicates needs strengthening, including professional development specifically aimed at supporting new teachers. A.) We will continue our work with vertical alignment, all teachers will be trained on and implement the Essential Standards Chart from Solution Tree to focus on 3 to 5 essentials each semester. B.) All teachers will be given opportunities to continue to deepen their knowledge about and engage in the PLC (and RTI) process through continued work with Solution Tree and associated book/article studies. C.) 6th & 7th grade ELA teachers will be trained and supported in TCRWP processes and procedures. D.) All new teachers will engage in the district's New Teacher Academy and be assigned a mentor and buddy. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Closing performance gap by increased teacher efficacy Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Director, Assistant Director TEA Priorities: Build a foundation of reading and math - ESF Levers: Lever 2: Effective, Well-Supported Teachers Funding Sources: - 199 PIC 24 - At Risk, - 282 ARP21 (ESSER III Campus Allocations) - $10,000 |
Strategy 2: Strategically focused intervention on identified essentials will be provided to students who have been identified as needing additional help. A.) Move STREAM time to end of the day and align expectations. B.) Begin collaborative RTI meetings / tracking based on identified essentials for each course C.) Restructure Learning Lab Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Closing performance gaps Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Director, Assistant Director ESF Levers: Lever 2: Effective, Well-Supported Teachers Funding Sources: - 199 PIC 11 - Instructional Services, - 282 ARP21 (ESSER III Campus Allocations) - $14,000 |
Strategy 3: Create opportunities for students to take educational opportunities trips and increase the number of students enrolled in PLTW courses Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: As students experience more, their knowledge and skills become deeper, which opens the door to options and opportunities they may not have known before. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Teachers Funding Sources: - 199 PIC 24 - At Risk - $8,750, - 199 PIC 22 - Career & Technology - $1,250 |
Performance Objective 3 - Student Growth
Goal 1: STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT. Every student at Cornerstone Academy will master rigorous academic standards to ensure college and career readiness.
Performance Objective 3: STUDENT GROWTH: By June 2022, Cornerstone Academy will increase the % of students who meet or exceed conditional growth index (CGI) targets on Measures of Academic Progress: Reading (6-8) increase by 10 points, Math (6-8) will maintain the 80%
2020-21: Reading - 45% met CGI; Math - 83% met CGI
2019-20: Not Rated due to COVID
2018-19: Reading - 56% met CGI; Math - 66 % met CGI
2017-18: Reading - 53% met CGI; Math - 67 % met CGI
Evaluation Data Sources: MAP data
Summative Evaluation: None
Strategy 1: Ongoing professional development opportunities will be provided and required, such as, but not limited to: 1) Focus on ELL and GT strategies that benefit all students 2) Coordinating with the Humanities department to provide additional support to begin implementation of the workshop model in 6th & 7th grade LA 3) Continued use of IXL for Math 4) Outside professional development Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: An increase in student growth as determined by MAP Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Director, Assistant Director, Instructional Specialist ESF Levers: Lever 2: Effective, Well-Supported Teachers Funding Sources: - 199 PIC 11 - Instructional Services - $5,000, - 199 PIC 99 - Undistributed - $5,000 |
Strategy 2: Students will participate in analysis of their own BOY and MOY MAP scores, including subsequent goal-setting and ongoing review. The analysis and goals will be incorporated into student-led conferences. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Increased student and parent awareness and student ownership of MAP data Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Director, Assistant Director, Teachers Funding Sources: Resources for student-led conferences - 199 PIC 11 - Instructional Services - $1,000 |
Strategy 3: Create a high-interest, fun, skill-building CESIT for math and reading skills. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Closing learning gaps and increase in student growth as determined by MAP Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Director, Assistant Director, Counselor, Instructional Specialist TEA Priorities: Build a foundation of reading and math - ESF Levers: Lever 5: Effective Instruction Funding Sources: 199 PIC 99 - Undistributed - $2,500, - 199 PIC 11 - Instructional Services - $2,500 |
Strategy 4: Additional MAP training for staff through collaborative team meetings Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Increase staff awareness and efficacy which would lead to increased student growth Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Director |
Performance Objective 4 - Advanced Courses
Goal 1: STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT. Every student at Cornerstone Academy will master rigorous academic standards to ensure college and career readiness.
Performance Objective 4: ADVANCED COURSES: Strengthen the level of advanced academic instruction in order to increase student preparation for and success in advanced courses that are aligned to high school.
Fall 2021: 100% students enrolled in one or more advanced courses
Fall 2020: 100% students enrolled in one or more advanced courses
Fall 2019: 100% students enrolled in one or more advanced courses
Evaluation Data Sources: MAP data
Summative Evaluation: None
Strategy 1: Continued work with instructional specialists to ensure alignment and rigor in AAC courses, including coordination between our 8th grade teachers and HS teachers in the district Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: tighter alignment with TEKS and appropriate levels of rigor Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Admin, Instructional specialists, Teachers |
Goal 1: STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT. Every student at Cornerstone Academy will master rigorous academic standards to ensure college and career readiness.
Performance Objective 5: ENGLISH LANGUAGE ACQUISITION PROGRESS: By June 2022, the rate of English Learners increasing at least one Composite Score level will increase by 10 percentage points or ≥ 80%.
2020-21: TELPAS Progress Rate 63%
2019-20: Not Rated due to COVID
Evaluation Data Sources: State Accountability Report Domain 3
Summative Evaluation: None
Strategy 1: We will continue to support a PLC culture on our campus. A.) Review and revise essentials. B.) Expectation of common formative assessments for each course C.) Expectation of data transparency, analysis, and data-informed action (intervention/extension) D.) Half-day subs provided to allow additional time for planning E.) Continued support and professional development via Solution Tree in the form of a mid-year visit from Solution Tree associate and varied book/article studies within collaborative team meetings F.) Creation and implementation of the campus PLC dashboard. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Increased teacher efficacy; a guaranteed and viable curriculum regardless of teacher; greater emphasis on systematic data analysis Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Director, Assistant Director, MCL, Instructional Specialist ESF Levers: Lever 4: High-Quality Curriculum, Lever 5: Effective Instruction |
Strategy 2: We will continue establishing a more systematic approach to intervention and a collaborative RtI process on campus to ensure that every child is being effectively served. Strategy 3: Professional development opportunities directly related to ELPS and best practices for EL students. |
Goal 2: Student Support
Student Support
- Performance Objective 1 - School Connectedness
- Performance Objective 2 - Guidance and Counseling
- Performance Objective 2 - Guidance and Counseling
- Performance Objective 3 - Eighth Grade Planning
Performance Objective 1 - School Connectedness
Goal 2: STUDENT SUPPORT. Every student at Cornerstone Academy will benefit from an aligned system that supports his/her academic and social- emotional needs.
Performance Objective 1: SCHOOL CONNECTEDNESS: By June 2022, the % of Cornerstone Academy students who feel connected as both individuals and learners will increase by at least 20 points.
2020-21: School Belonging- 46%
2019-20: Not Rated due to COVID
2018-19: School Belonging- 70%
2017-18: School Belonging- 75%
Evaluation Data Sources: Panorama Student Survey
Summative Evaluation: None
Strategy 1: A "student advisory board" will be created with representation from each homeroom. This board will meet with the administration regularly during advisory to discuss current student concerns and input related to school connectedness. The board will also help design and implement a series of schoolwide events. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Increased and meaningful student feedback that will help improve student connectedness Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Director, Assistant Director ESF Levers: Lever 3: Positive School Culture Funding Sources: Student Advisory Board -- resources for school connectedness events - 199 PIC 11 - Instructional Services |
Strategy 2: New Cornerstone students will participate in Cougar Camp the week before school starts (details pending social distancing guidelines). Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Increased student connectedness Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Director, Assistant Director, Counselor ESF Levers: Lever 3: Positive School Culture Funding Sources: - 199 PIC 99 - Undistributed |
Strategy 3: All Cornerstone students will participate in a day and a half of back-to-school inclusion activities at the beginning of the fall semester and "passion-based projects" at the beginning of the spring semester, as well as school inclusion activities and field trips throughout the year. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Increased student connectedness Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Director, Assistant Director, Counselor ESF Levers: Lever 3: Positive School Culture Funding Sources: - 199 PIC 99 - Undistributed - $2,500 |
Strategy 4: School-wide read -- In the fall semester, a group of staff members will read and discuss three books related to social justice (selected by librarian) and choose one for a school-wide read and associated events (discussion groups, possible author visit, etc.) in the spring semester. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Increased student connectedness Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Librarian, Director, Assistant Director, Teachers TEA Priorities: Build a foundation of reading and math ESF Levers: Lever 3: Positive School Culture Funding Sources: - 199 PIC 99 - Undistributed - $6,000 |
Strategy 5: Creation of a CESIT that allows students to plan and run lunchtime activities (games, karaoke, etc.) Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Increased school belonging Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration Funding Sources: - 199 PIC 99 - Undistributed - $5,000 |
Strategy 6: Rachel's Challenge - community building event w/ either 6th or 7th grade Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Increased sense of belonging Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administration, Counselor Funding Sources: - 199 PIC 99 - Undistributed - $3,820 |
Strategy 7 :Family Literacy/Numeracy Nights Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: improved student outcomes; increased parent collaboration; improvement of literacy/numeracy culture Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Principal, AP, Math & Language Arts DC Funding Sources: - 282 ARP21 (ESSER III Campus Allocations) - $2,500 |
Performance Objective 2 - Guidance and Counseling
Goal 2: STUDENT SUPPORT. Every student at Cornerstone Academy will benefit from an aligned system that supports his/her academic and social- emotional needs.
Performance Objective 2: GUIDANCE AND COUNSELING: Each grade level classroom will implement and support character education and social- emotional learning curriculum.
Evaluation Data Sources: Training materials and attendance rosters
Summative Evaluation: None
Strategy 1: Through the implementation of Character Strong, students will become more socially aware of how their actions and decisions impact others. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Decrease in discipline incidents. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administrators, Counselors, Teachers |
Performance Objective 2 - Guidance and Counseling
Performance Objective 3 - Eighth Grade Planning
Goal 2: STUDENT SUPPORT. Every student at Cornerstone Academy will benefit from an aligned system that supports his/her academic and social- emotional needs.
Performance Objective 3: EIGHTH GRADE PLANNING: 100% of 8th graders at Cornerstone Academy will complete a 4-year plan aligned to their endorsement to ensure graduation requirements are met.
Evaluation Data Sources: 4-Year Plan Endorsement Selection Form
Summative Evaluation: None
Strategy 1: 8th grade students participate in Guthrie campus visits to learn more about CTE Programs of Study. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Students will determine if they want to pursue a career and technical opportunity. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administrators, Counselors |
Strategy 2: Students will complete a course selection process aligned to their career and endorsement path for their 9th grade year. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: All students will have a full schedule of courses selected for 9th grade. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administrators, Counselors |
Strategy 3: Students will complete a 4-Year Plan prior to entering 9th grade. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: All 8th grade students will: - choose a career path aligned to an endorsement, and - plan their courses across all 4 years of high school. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administrators, Counselors |
Goal 3: Safe Schools
Safe Schools
Performance Objective 1 - Safety Committee
Goal 3: SAFE SCHOOLS. Cornerstone Academy will ensure a safe and orderly environment.
Performance Objective 1: SAFETY COMMITTEE: Strengthen school safety by establishing and conducting Campus Safety Committee reviews throughout the school year.
Evaluation Data Sources: Campus Safety Committee roster
Summative Evaluation: None
Strategy 1: CAMPUS SAFETY COMMITTEE: Establish Campus Safety Committees composed of a cross section of stake holders to look at matters related to campus safety. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Each Campus principal will recruit a safety team and provide a roster. Each campus team will meet three times/year so that all campuses will be able to refine safety practices. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administrators Funding Sources: - 199 PIC 99 - Undistributed |
Strategy 2: HARRIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION: Participate in the Harris County Department of Education (HCDE) campus safety audit. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Campus will develop action plans to address any deficiencies as a result of safety audits. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administrators, Safety Committee Funding Sources: - 199 PIC 99 - Undistributed |
Performance Objective 2 - Emergency Operations
Goal 3: SAFE SCHOOLS. Cornerstone Academy will ensure a safe and orderly environment.
Performance Objective 2: EMERGENCY OPERATIONS: Develop Campus Emergency Operations Procedures that comply with SB 11, and include Standard Operating Procedures.
Evaluation Data Sources: Campus emergency operation procedures documents
Summative Evaluation: None
Strategy 1: EMERGENCY OPERATIONS PROCEDURES: Campus EOP will align to the best practices from the Texas School Safety Center and the Standard Operating Procedures, such as the "I Love You Guys" Foundation. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Campus EOP turned in and filed by September 1st. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administrators |
Strategy 2: EMERGENCY OPERATIONS PROCEDURES: Update campus EOP annually and train staff at the start of each school year. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Campus procedures maintained in campus EOP. Staff training documents maintained. EOPs submitted by September 1. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Administrators, Safety Committee |
Goal 4: Fiscal Responsibility
Fiscal Responsibility
Performance Objective 1 - Financial Management
Goal 4: FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY. Cornerstone Academy will ensure efficient and effective fiscal management of resources and operations to maximize learning for all students.
Performance Objective 1: FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT: Maintain high quality financial management practices so that financial resources provide the maximum possible support for T-2-4.
Evaluation Data Sources: Year-To-Date (YTD) Budget Reports (monthly, quarterly, annually)
Summative Evaluation: None
Strategy 1: Conduct frequent budget meetings with Administrative Assistant to review and manage money. Strategy's Expected Result/Impact: Error free records. Documentation of purchases and orders. Staff Responsible for Monitoring: Principal, Administrative Assistant |
Campus Funding Summary
Campus Funding Summary
199 PIC 11 - Instructional Services | ||||
Goal | Objective | Strategy | Resources Needed | Amount |
1 | 1 | 1 | Solution Tree Professional Development & Resources | $40,680.00 |
1 | 1 | 2 | $15,000.00 | |
1 | 2 | 2 | $0.00 | |
1 | 3 | 1 | $5,000.00 | |
1 | 3 | 2 | Resources for Student-Led Conferences | $1,000.00 |
1 | 3 | 3 | $2,500.00 | |
2 | 1 | 1 | Student Advisory Board -- Resources for School Connectedness events | $0.00 |
Sub-Total | $64,180.00 | |||
Budgeted Fund Source Amount | $64,180.00 | |||
+/- Difference | $0.00 | |||
199 PIC 22 - Career & Technology | ||||
Goal | Objective | Strategy | Resources Needed | Amount |
1 | 2 | 3 | $1,250.00 | |
Sub-Total | $1,250.00 | |||
Budgeted Fund Source Amount | $1,250.00 | |||
+/- Difference | $0.00 | |||
199 PIC 24 - At Risk | ||||
Goal | Objective | Strategy | Resources Needed | Amount |
1 | 2 | 1 | $0.00 | |
1 | 2 | 3 | $8,750.00 | |
Sub-Total | $8,750.00 | |||
Budgeted Fund Source Amount | $8,750.00 | |||
+/- Difference | $0.00 |
199 PIC 99 - Undistributed | ||||
Goal | Objective | Strategy | Resources Needed | Amount |
1 | 3 | 2 | $5,000.00 | |
1 | 1 | 1 | $5,000.00 | |
1 | 1 | 3 | $2,500.00 | |
2 | 1 | 2 | $0.00 | |
2 | 1 | 3 | $2,500.00 | |
2 | 1 | 4 | $6,000.00 | |
2 | 1 | 5 | $5,000.00 | |
2 | 1 | 6 | $3,820.00 | |
3 | 1 | 1 | $0.00 | |
3 | 1 | 2 | $0.00 | |
Sub-Total | $29,820.00 | |||
Budgeted Fund Source Amount | $29,820.00 | |||
+/- Difference | $0.00 | |||
Grand Total | $140,500.00 |